The War in Italy
Special Issue n.3 technologies for Cultural Heritage / september 2023

A virtual space to link widespread memory
Francesco Cacciatore* This special issue of Occupied Italy is detached from the work done so far by the magazine, who presented innovative research by Italian and international academics on the theme of World War II in Italy and its consequences for the country in the early years of the Cold War. The Occupied Italy project……
Share and reuse, la correlazione delle fonti e la potenza della conoscenza. La condivisione delle Gazzette Ufficiali della Repubblica 1943-1945
Daniela Marendino* Confrontandomi con colleghi che curano archivi e biblioteche d’impresa, ho notato che una delle serie di pubblicazioni più scartate negli ultimi tempi è stata quella delle Gazzette Ufficiali. In Italgas, per una serie di coincidenze e per l’utilizzo che ancora facevamo dei volumi originali in ambito didattico con studenti delle superiori, questo non……
Heritage Lab, l’automazione della digitalizzazione dell’Heritage Aziendale, la best practise di Italgas
Matteo Allasia* Heritage Lab è il museo-laboratorio di digitalizzazione di Italgas, sviluppato interamente in house con macchinari, tecnologie e competenze specializzate provenienti dal campo dei beni culturali e applicate all’acquisizione digitale massiva del Corporate e Industrial Heritage. La digitalizzazione del patrimonio di tre chilometri lineari di documenti coinvolge un team di specialisti, composto da quattro……
A collaborative work model: The Practise Community
Carlo Bruno* “The research and innovation community platform”, a meeting space between experts inspired, as stated in its presentation, to the principles of the Community of Practice “Europe’s research and innovation community platform is a unique space bringing together researchers from the EU and beyond”. The event aimed to “kick off the formation of a……
War History
Avalanche: The Forgotten Front
5th Battalion Sherwood Foresters at Salerno Michael Somerville* Within the historiography of the Avalanche landings much more attention is normally given to the operations in the south on the Sele plain. This is partly down to the political significance of the American contribution – the first time their troops had fought on mainland Europe for……
picture by Heritage Lab Italgas – Gazzetta ufficiale delle repubblica 1943
Occupied Italy
Open Access Journal

research project
Occupied Italy is a digital, full-text, open-access, peer-reviewed journal. It is dedicated to the study of Italy during the Second World War and the consequences of the conflict for the country, starting from the Allied landing in the summer of 1943 and up to the years of the Cold War.
saving memory
Occupied Italy is a project created by Mu.Bat association to encourage international research on the topic of Italian events in the context of the Second World War and of the national and international developments in the following Cold War period.